Andreas Polze, Jan Richling, Janek Schwarz, and Miroslaw Malek
Towards Predictable CORBA-based Services
in Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, CRL Publishing, London, UK, 2001.
Michael Hauf, Janek Schwarz, and Andreas Polze
Role-based Security For Configurable Distributed Control Systems
in Proceedings of Workshop on Object-oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2001), Rome, Italy, January 2001, pp. 111-118, ISBN 0-7695-1068-X, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.
Andreas Polze, Janek Schwarz, and Miroslaw Malek
Automatic Generation of Fault-Tolerant CORBA-Services
in Proceedings of Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS) USA'00, Santa Barbara, August 2000, pp. 205-215, ISBN 0-7695-0774-3, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.
Andreas Polze, Janek Schwarz, Kristopher Wehner, and Lui Sha<
RemoteLab: A Reliable Tele-Laboratory Environment
in Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'2000), Las Vegas, NV, June 26 - 29, pp. 55-61, ISBN 1-892512-65-3, CSREA Press, 2000.
Andreas Polze, Janek Schwarz, Kristopher Wehner, and Lui Sha<
Integration of CORBA Services with a Dynamic Real-time Architecture
in Proceedings of Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'2000), Washington, DC, May 31-June 2, pp. 198-207, ISBN 0-7695-0713-1, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.
Andreas Polze, Jan Richling, Janek Schwarz, and Miroslaw Malek
Towards Predictable CORBA-based Web-Services
in Proceedings of 2st IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing, pp.: 182-191, ISBN 0-7695-0207-5, St. Malo, France, May 2-5, 1999.
Jan Richling, Janek Schwarz, and Andreas Polze
Java Komponenten für ein verteiltes Echtzeitsystem
in Proceedings of JIT'98: Java-Informations-Tage 1998, pp.: 298-312, ISBN 3-540-64971-9, Springer Informatik aktuell, Frankfurt, Germany, November 12-13, 1998.
Janek Schwarz and Michael Hauf
Objective-C und Distributed Objects
in Rechnen in Parallelen und Verteilten Umgebungen - Experimente und Messungen; Andreas Polze (ed.); HUB Informatik-Berichte No. 77/96, 69 Seiten, ISSN 0863-095 77, Berlin, Dezember 1996.
W. Dietmar Gellermann, Janek Schwarz, and Helge Hesse
Transformation von Smalltalk-Quellen in Standalone-Programme
in Projektbericht zum Projekt Sm-to-StAP von HU Berlin und Deutsche Telekom AG.
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