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Class jsz.Plotter.LegendLabel
- public class LegendLabel
- extends JLabel
- implements Observer
This class implements the legend for plot (graphical
representation of a {@link
jsz.Plotter.DataSeries}. A legend is simply a
JLabel, which uses a {@link jsz.Plotter.LegendIcon}
as its icon. Using a JLabel has the advantage of absolut
freedom of arranging the legends. You simply take a JPanel,
use the LayoutManager which suits best and add the
legends. Anyway, there is {@link jsz.Plotter.LegendPanel}
for your convinience, which lets you add {@link
jsz.Plotter.IDataSeries} objects, so you dont have
to instantiate the labels yourself.
- Creates a label and adds this instance to ds's observer list.
LegendLabel(LegendIcon, String)
- Creates a label with icon and text.
update(Observable, Object)
public LegendLabel(IDataSeries ds)
- Creates a label and adds this instance to ds's observer list.
public LegendLabel(LegendIcon icon,
String legend)
- Creates a label with icon and text. No Observer
functionality in this case.
public void update(Observable o,
Object arg)
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