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Class jsz.Plotter.LegendIcon


public class LegendIcon
extends Object
implements Icon
This class implements an icon for use with a {@link jsz.Plotter.LegendLabel}. Usually, the icon is just a short line drawn with the default color of the dataseries it is associated with. Anyway, it is possible to specify a different color as well.

Variable Index

 o color
 o ds
Associated dataseries.
 o height
Height of the line (ignored at the moment).
 o length
Length of the line

Constructor Index

 o LegendIcon(Color)
Construct an icon using color c.
 o LegendIcon(IDataSeries)
Construct an icon with the default color from ds.

Method Index

 o getIconHeight()
 o getIconWidth()
 o paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int)


 o ds
 private IDataSeries ds
Associated dataseries. Might be null.

 o length
 private int length
Length of the line

 o height
 private int height
Height of the line (ignored at the moment).

 o color
 private Color color
Color. this color overwrites the color of ds!


 o LegendIcon
 public LegendIcon(IDataSeries ds)
Construct an icon with the default color from ds.

 o LegendIcon
 public LegendIcon(Color color)
Construct an icon using color c.


 o paintIcon
 public void paintIcon(Component c,
                       Graphics g,
                       int x,
                       int y)
 o getIconWidth
 public final int getIconWidth()
 o getIconHeight
 public final int getIconHeight()

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