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Class jsz.Plotter.ControllerCaption


public class ControllerCaption
extends Object
implements ITickCaption
Example implementation of {@link jsz.Plotter.ITickInscription}.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Janek Schwarz

Variable Index

 o baseline
value which should represent the baseline controller
 o highPerformance
value which should represent the high-performance controller
 o safety
value which should represent the safety controller

Constructor Index

 o ControllerCaption(double, double, double)
Constructs an object and assigns specific values to high-performance, baseline and safety controller.

Method Index

 o markTick(double)
Marks the ticks, which correspond to high-performance, baseline and safety controller.


 o highPerformance
 private double highPerformance
value which should represent the high-performance controller

 o safety
 private double safety
value which should represent the safety controller

 o baseline
 private double baseline
value which should represent the baseline controller


 o ControllerCaption
 public ControllerCaption(double highPerformance,
                          double baseline,
                          double safety)
Constructs an object and assigns specific values to high-performance, baseline and safety controller.

highPerformance - a value of type 'double'
baseline - a value of type 'double'
safety - a value of type 'double'


 o markTick
 public String markTick(double value)
Marks the ticks, which correspond to high-performance, baseline and safety controller. Any other tick is ignored.

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